what we do

All Saints is a training center, housed in the local church, that offers seminary-level training in the areas of theological studies, spiritual formation, and leadership development.

All Saints is located at All Saints Community Church (ASCC) in Oklahoma City. ASCC has a rich history of equipping the saints in the context of friendly cooperation with churches of various traditions. This ecumenical mindset undergirds every dimension of All Saints.

Celebrating the fact that God is on the move across a spectrum of churches in our city and region, All Saints seeks to strengthen local churches in biblical, practical, sustainable ways. Through ongoing programs of robust study, prayer, and action, All Saints empowers Christians to be contemplative reformers, to follow Jesus in the mystical and missional life.

Further, a tectonic shift is occurring in the landscape of theological, spiritual, and leadership training. Even the best traditional seminaries have been struggling to survive for the past thirty years. New forms and expressions of theological and leadership education are emerging. In this new landscape, the local church has the opportunity to serve as the primary vehicle for theological education and transformation. All Saints is at the forefront of these significant changes. Providing education and training that are affordable, rooted in the local church, and focused on practical wisdom, All Saints equips Christians at the grass-roots level.



All Saints courses are designed to meet a variety of students, where they live:

  • Laypeople who are hungry to study, dialogue, and go deeper than Sunday sermons or weekly Bible studies allow.

  • The person in volunteer or paid ministry who wants to be trained, but is not able to interrupt life or who cannot afford to attend seminary.

  • Women and men who sense God is calling them to step up in leadership and kingdom influence.

All Saints is for anyone,  whether young, middle-aged, or retired, who is ready to invest nine months in seeking God, learning more about the Scriptures, church history, and practices within classic Christian spirituality that bolster and sustain life with God.  


ALL SAINTS is for anyone ready to invest in studies that lead to life and leadership in communion with God.



Dr. Brock Bingaman


The founder and director of All Saints, Dr. Brock Bingaman, has twenty-five years of leadership experience in the academy, church, and business world. Dr. Bingaman currently serves as Associate Pastor of Discipleship at Our Lord’s Community Church in Oklahoma City. Before this, he served as Associate Professor, Director of Religious Studies, and Director of the Pre-Seminary Program at Wesleyan College in Georgia, the oldest women’s college in the world. His publications include A Luminous Life: Rediscovering Classic Christian Spirituality (Wipf and Stock, 2018), All Things New: The Trinitarian Nature of the Human Calling in Maximus the Confessor and Jürgen Moltmann (Princeton Theological Monograph Series, 2014), The Philokalia: A Classic of Orthodox Spirituality (Oxford, 2012), as well as numerous book chapters and articles in academic journals. In addition to academic leadership, Dr. Bingaman has served in multi-cultural and multi-generational churches in Chicago and Oklahoma, founded an international internship for young leaders, and established an AIDS hospice ministry in the 1990s. He also launched and sold a business in the Mission District of San Francisco. Drawing from these experiences in different spheres, Dr. Bingaman envisions All Saints as a means of linking the academy, church, and marketplace.